Congratulations, you received the PPP loan, now how do you get it forgiven?
Maybe when you saw the long form or even the easy form you felt a cringe come over your whole body with a screaming thought racing across your brain saying, "What did I get myself into!" Then this video is for you!
Normally these workshops and training's are reserved for our members, but we felt that we need to make it available to everyone.
In this Tune Up Tuesday video, Larry Bonino of Marathon Capital Advisory Services explains how to transition your business from merely surviving to thriving!
Wondering which social media platforms are the best ones to use to promote your business? Zach and Kyra Delinger of Bell Media Group explain it in this Tune Up Tuesday video!
Check out this Tune Up Tuesday video to learn why we’re uncomfortable negotiating, mindset and outcome, how we keep score, and what do our emotions have to do with successful outcomes?