Grants of $10,000 to $50,000 are available for small businesses that have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and related statewide business closure.
Grants are available for businesses annual revenues (prior to March 1, 2020) of $3 million or less and have 50 or fewer full-time employees (FTEs). Revenues are based on the IRS tax form definition: Gross Sales (less any returns and allowances) as reported on Line 1.c. on both the 1120 (corporate return, 1120S (SCorp return), on IRS Schedule C for single member LLC's and sole proprietorships, Line 3 and on IRS form 1065 line 1c for partnerships.
Eligible businesses must have a primary physical operation in Berks County and have at least 51% of gross annual revenues generated in Pennsylvania. Applicants must file a Pennsylvania tax return. Applicants will self-certify that 51% or more of revenues are generated in PA.
Eligible businesses may be structured as C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability corporations, partnerships, sole proprietors, independent contractors or self-employed individuals.
Businesses must have must have been in operation as of February 15, 2020.
Businesses must certify that their business is currently operating or has a clear plan to fully re-open once all Commonwealth COVID-19 related operating restrictions are lifted.
Applicants must certify that they will use the funds only for COVID-19 related expenses incurred no earlier than March 1, 2020 and no later than December 31, 2020. Applicants also will certify that they have not received “duplication of benefits” from any other CARES Act funding.
In this Tune Up Tuesday video, Larry Bonino of Marathon Capital Advisory Services explains how to transition your business from merely surviving to thriving!
Wondering which social media platforms are the best ones to use to promote your business? Zach and Kyra Delinger of Bell Media Group explain it in this Tune Up Tuesday video!
Check out this Tune Up Tuesday video to learn why we’re uncomfortable negotiating, mindset and outcome, how we keep score, and what do our emotions have to do with successful outcomes?